Advanced Dry Eye Care

Living in an arid climate like Colorado causes symptoms of dry eye disease to be amplified and therefore many people suffer greatly from dry eye.
The symptoms of dry eye can be varied and extensive and include such things as:
Grittiness or scratchiness
Fluctuating vision
Irritation or soreness
Contact lens discomfort
Eye fatigue
Light Sensitivity

Dry eye disease is also multi-factorial, meaning there are many contributing factors to this disease, which in turn can make treatment and relief more challenging.
At Lakewood Eye Center, we have a comprehensive approach to diagnosis and treatment, by not only analyzing the tear film but also analyzing the structure and function of one’s meibomian glands (which produce oil that is a component of the tear film and helps prevent evaporation). We employ many treatments such as lubricating eye drops, prescription medications, supplements, autologous serum tears, punctal plugs, and Lipiflow which is a thermal pulsating treatment that helps restore meibomian gland function.

Advanced Dry Eye Care